Our Approach

Establish Family Objectives:

Creating an effective wealth management plan starts with understanding a family’s unique combination of objectives, needs, and constraints gathered from our discussions with them. Working together, we assist you in defining your ultimate objective, both for lifestyle and wealth transfer, thus establishing a strong relationship. Subsequently, analyze the family’s existing net worth using various risk assessment techniques. This is the process for identifying the optimal level of investment risk appetite.

Investment Strategy

The above information, in conjunction with an understanding of the economic environment, research, and investment alternatives, leads to an appropriate asset allocation decision. It ensures a diversified, risk-appropriate portfolio designed to achieve each family’s objective. Subsequently, focus on creating the most tax-efficient result for a family’s net worth by locating the asset vehicle in the most appropriate legal entities. By identifying each entity’s optimal post-tax contribution within your overall portfolio, we assist in building the most efficient strategy, submit our plan for your review and approval


We document the plan details, ensuring a common understanding and consistent execution. We ensure to review communication with our client, thus aligning the client’s requirements before implementing strategy. We firmly believe that the finest plans in the world aren’t worth the paper they are printed on unless they are successfully executed. Thus, we focus much of our time and attention on the responsibility of execution on behalf of our clients.

Constant Review and Reporting

A well-executed plan is just the beginning, the way it responds and adapts to the ever-changing market and family’s dynamic needs. We constantly monitor, review and report through :

  1. Portfolio Maintenance and Tracking, Related Tax Planning, Benchmark Creation, MIS Generation, Transaction Execution Support, etc..
  2. The key to successful execution is to ensure that all the advisors in relation to the family are kept informed, and are on the same page with the family’s overall plan.
  3. Reporting is customized to each family and delivered on regular basis or on a mutually agreed basis.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is crucial for the smooth transfer of wealth to the next generation. Estate planning is part of our investment process. It involves careful structuring of solutions based on individual/Organization needs.